Cancelled - Health and Wellbeing Talk - Swansea Hosted by Diabetes Australia (TAS)
Wednesday 01 Dec 2021
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
(Hobart time)
Swansea Town Hall
12 Franklin Street
Type 2 diabetes, Gestational diabetes, Other diabetes, General community
Come and join us for a free Health and Wellbeing Talk!

Diabetes Tasmania and Royal Flying Doctor Service Tasmania will be in Swansea for a Health and Wellbeing talk.

A community event for everyone but highly recommended for people at risk of or living with, diabetes and chronic disease including but not limited to: mental illness, CVD, COPD, dementia and musculoskeletal disease.

This event is designed to help you stay healthy and get more out of life.

Come and find out the benefits of physical activity and eating well.

Take the risk assessment test and find out if you may be at risk of diabetes.

Find out more about diabetes prevention and self-management.

There is a light lunch provided on the day. Places are limited.

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