DESMOND Hosted by Diabetes Australia (QLD)
Tuesday 18 Jun 2024
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
(Brisbane time)
Somerset Civic Centre
35 Esk-Hampton Rd
ESK QLD 4312
Type 2 diabetes

Do you feel confident managing your type 2 diabetes? There is a lot to consider when you have diabetes, so if you ever feel unsure, don’t worry, you’re not alone. The DESMOND program recognises that there is no 'one size fits all' approach to diabetes management. It is intended to provide you with a welcoming and non-judgmental space where you can plan how you would like to manage your diabetes.
The DESMOND program covers:
  • Healthy food choices
  • Physical activity
  • Blood glucose monitoring
  • Medication management
  • Personal goal setting.

DESMOND is built around group activities, with participants sharing experiences and talking about what type 2 diabetes means to them. You will also have the chance to speak to a diabetes educator one-on-one. The abbreviation DESMOND stands for Diabetes Education and Self Management for Ongoing and Newly Diagnosed. Once booked, you will receive some pre-reading in preparation of the program.

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